Yesterday I started the long overdue process of spring cleaning on my blog site. As we approach the end of winter here in Pretoria it seemed like a good idea to spend time on this long overdue task.
Let me start by thanking those who have chosen to receive my blog updates via email. Whenever I post something I am always conscious that I am contributing to the unread messages load in your inbox. I would love to hear from you if there is anything that I can do to make the emails you receive from me something to look forward to.
Let me tell you what I have done so far in my spring cleaning process.
Yesterday I figured out how to create a new page from a post category. So if you look on the top right of the menu bar on the blog site, you will see “Globetrotting”. This Globetrotting page will automatically update every time I write something about my travels. This is a great feature of WordPress, as it allows me to create pages where a lot of related content can come together. I decided to start with globetrotting because many of my fellow South Africans are always very intrigued by the places I visit and the things I see. At this moment there is only one post, but I promise to write some more soon.
On the left side of the page there is a category page. I want to remove this, but before I do, I ticked the option to show how many articles I have posted under each category. I am in the process of tidying up the categories, so there is a hierarchy of sub topics that you will be able to see. I will leave this category page for a few days, I find it interesting to see how many articles I have under each category. It also reveals which topics I have paid enough attention to. Let me know what you think and whether you think any particular topics deserve more attention. The tag cloud is still on the left. Some people told me they like the tag cloud, but to me it looks messy.
Take the poll at the bottom of the post to let me know which one you prefer, the category list, tag cloud or site menu?.
I have also tried to tidy up the home page of the blog and updated some of the links. I disabled the silly site menu that was on the left hand side. Any suggestions on how to improve the blog would be welcome.
[polldaddy poll=9802439]
PS. This is my first poll, I hope it works!
The problem with sifting information is normally a major problem – what stays, what goes?