I set aside this morning to rework most of the categories on my blogsite at www.cunningham.org.za
You can find the categories on the bottom left-hand side of the site. The number in brackets show the number of posts under each category.
Now you can link to a topic on my site in the following way:
All posts about industrial policy: http://www.cunningham.org.za/Topics/industrial-policy/
All posts about innovation systems: http://www.cunningham.org.za/Topics/innovation-systems/
and so on.
I was surprised about how many articles I have posted under the Complexity and Evolutionary Thinking, as well as Process and Change Facilitation categories.
I can now easily create a dedicated topic for a theme, like I have done with “Globetrotting“.
If you have linked to my blog or any of my articles at its previous shawncunningham.wordpress address, then please remember recreate those links.
Thank you for following my blog. Any suggestions and comments are welcome.